Sitecore Executive Dashboard – No Overview data found

Sitecore Executive Dashboard – No Overview data found

Problem: I have setup DMS on my Sitecore 6.5 – 120706 instance. I have also created Engagement Analytics Custom reports and It is working fine but Sitecore Executive Dashboard is not running. When I open it,  it gives me No Overview data found message.


1. By default, the executive dashboard runs if the site has 50+ visits. You can change this configuration by changing the value of MinimumVisitsFilter to 1 in Configuration.xml/Configuration.config located at \sitecore\shell\Applications\Reports\Dashboard folder.

2. If the above setting change will not work for you then you need to clear the cache and need to refresh the report data.

Executive Dashboard works with the client and server cache to avoid frequent requests to the Analytics database. Sometimes the cache could be the cause of not updated reports, so make sure that it is configured correctly.
The server cache is stored in the data folder, in the ‘Dashboard reports’ directory. To clear the cache, just remove this folder and the next Dashboard run will send a new request to Analytics database for creating a new cache (the client cache must be cleared as well).
Sitecore has a rule to periodically remove this folder by default it is of 2 Days. The corresponding setting is available in the web.config file of the Sitecore website root:

<remove folder=”$(dataFolder)/Dashboard reports” pattern=”*.*” maxAge=”2.00:00:00″ recursive=”true”/>

Since the Sitecore 6.5.0 Update-4 release, An additional cache level is added for the dashboard data. This cache is stored in the Analytics database, in the tables named ‘dbo.Cache_*’.

To update this cache, run the ‘Analytics -> Refresh Aggregated Data in Reports‘ task in the Control Panel. Apart from that, there is a scheduled task in Sitecore.Analytics.config that frequently updates this cache:

<agent type=”Sitecore.Analytics.Tasks.UpdateReportsSummaryTask, Sitecore.Analytics” method=”Run” interval=”00:30:00″>

This will solve the issue..

Happy Coding 🙂

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